Laundry and Ironing

Clothes Inside Tumble Dryer

Reasons Why Your Clothes Come Out of the Dryer Smelling Burnt

Burnt-smelling clothes isn’t the aroma you were going for when you dried your laundry! You were hoping for Tropical Paradise, not Essence of Exhaust. So, why do clothes smell burnt after they’ve gone through the dryer? Find out below. Note: One or multiple causes listed below could be at the heart of your smelly issue.

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Tumble dryer running costs

How Much Does It Cost to Run a Tumble Dryer in the UK? (2025)

Tumble dryers are notorious for being one of the most expensive household appliances to run. So much so that there are households who swear off them entirely. However, tumble dryers have become increasingly more energy efficient in recent years, which means that this bad reputation isn’t always deserved. In this article, we’ll be looking at

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Muddy boots drying

How to Clean Muddy Boots

Embarking on outdoor adventures often means facing the unavoidable reality of muddy boots. Cleaning muddy boots might seem like a big task, especially if your shoes are caked in set-in mud stains. However, the process is extremely straightforward if you know the proper techniques. All boots are different, so we have put together separate guides

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