
Bethan has a passion for exploring, reading, cooking and gardening! When she’s not creating culinary delights for her family, she’s concocting potions to keep her house clean!

Clothes Inside Tumble Dryer

Reasons Why Your Clothes Come Out of the Dryer Smelling Burnt

Burnt-smelling clothes isn’t the aroma you were going for when you dried your laundry! You were hoping for Tropical Paradise, not Essence of Exhaust. So, why do clothes smell burnt after they’ve gone through the dryer? Find out below. Note: One or multiple causes listed below could be at the heart of your smelly issue.

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Sorting clothes for storage

How to Store Clothes in the Loft

Throwing your not-needed-right-now clothes in the loft is an excellent way to make space in your wardrobes and drawers. You get the bulk of your garments out of the way and make lots of room for your must-wear-now pieces. The idea is straightforward enough. However, one wrong move when storing your clothes in the attic,

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