Whilst it isn’t necessary to wash coats and jackets as often as clothing or bed sheets, every now and again it has to be done!
Once the wash is complete, you can hang up your jacket to dry on a clothes horse or, weather-permitting, outside on the washing line.
However, it’s far easier to shove your laundry in the dryer, let’s be honest. Here is what you need to remember when tumble drying your fleece jacket!
Tumble Drying Your Fleece Jacket
The number one rule when washing or drying fleece is that heat will ruin the fabric quality and cause it to lose its fluffiness.
This includes ironing, dry cleaning, steaming, and pressing. This means that if you decide to tumble dry your fleece jacket, you should choose a low temperature.
It’s always best to start by reading the care label if you’re unsure, whatever the material. There are different types of fleece jacket, so there are subtle differences in how you should care for them.
You can dry your fleece jacket in a tumble dryer, but it’s better to let it air dry if you have the space and time.
When tumble drying a fleece, high temperatures are an absolute no-go—it will irreversibly damage the material. It’s best to choose a very low temperature!
Also, remember to not include a dryer sheet in the cycle, as it could reduce the quality of the coating.
Lastly, if you’re having an issue with pilling (balls forming on the material), this is probably as a result of your fleece rubbing against the side of the tumble dryer. Make sure to rewash your jacket and dry it on the line instead.
There you have it—all the info you need to get top-quality results every time you dry your fleece jacket. Enjoy!
The Pros and Cons of Fleece Jackets
Fleece jackets are made up of fleece and microfleece. Microfleece is a thinner material than fleece, which is generally thicker and more comfortable.
Fleeces are a popular choice for outdoor activities, as the fabric is well suited to outdoor weather. It resists moisture and dries quickly, so the wearer should remain warm and dry (unless it’s chucking it down—get your waterproofs on in that case!).
Another characteristic that makes fleece a great option for your outdoor escapades, is that it’s lightweight, so won’t weigh you down, whether you’re wearing it, or carrying it in your rucksack.
That’s all well and good, but if you don’t know how to look after your fleece jacket, it won’t retain its quality for long! It is prone to losing its softness, and having a build-up of small woolly balls on it if you’re not careful.

Hi, I’m Bron. I’m an elite endurance athlete, love the outdoors and anything involving food! All of which have the potential to make a mess! I don’t have a huge concentration span (and like to use the excuse of being too busy), so go for quick and easy cleaning methods where possible!