Rachel Dawson

A proud Yorkshire lass with a love for movies, music and cosy nights in! Once a self-confessed avoider of cleaning, she’s always on the lookout for new ways to make household chores as quick and simple as possible.

white chandelier

How to Clean a Chandelier

Chandeliers are a great way to create eye-catching focal points, but over time they inevitably accumulate dust and grime. This in turn can dull their sparkle and even tarnish their fittings, so it’s important to stay on top of it. However, given their fragile nature and high hanging position, many people are unsure of the

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Cleaning shower glass

Best Non-Toxic Shower Cleaners (2024 UK)

As consumers become more environmentally conscious and wary of exposing themselves to unnecessary chemicals, demand for non-toxic cleaning products is increasing. This includes swapping traditional shower cleaners for alternatives with natural ingredients that are kinder to both our skin and the ecosystem. So, whether you’re hoping to make your household greener or to improve your

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paint on vinyl floor

How to Remove Paint from Vinyl Flooring

Given its durability and low-maintenance design, vinyl flooring is extremely popular amongst homeowners. It’s particularly useful in kitchens and bathrooms where spills are common and wipe-clean floors are highly practical. But not all spillages are easy to mop up. Paint splatters, for instance, can leave stubborn and unsightly stains behind. Luckily, with the right products,

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100% merino wool shirt label

How to Wash Merino Wool

Merino wool is a soft, fine fleece known for its softness, odour-resistance and breathability. Additionally, it boasts temperature-regulating and moisture-wicking properties, which makes merino a popular choice for outdoor enthusiasts. As such, you’ll find all kinds of activewear from base layers and socks to lightweight sweatshirts made from this unique natural fabric. However, merino wool

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Cloudy glasses

How to Get Water Marks off Glass

Tired of seeing cloudy water spots on your drinking glasses or shower screen? Struggling to remove them? Then you’re in the right place. In this post, we’ll provide you with multiple methods for how to get water marks off glass, using simple, effective techniques. That way, you can wave goodbye to unsightly stains and enjoy

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