
Bethan has a passion for exploring, reading, cooking and gardening! When she’s not creating culinary delights for her family, she’s concocting potions to keep her house clean!

Cleaning stickers with magic eraser

Best Magic Erasers (UK)

A warm soapy cloth doesn’t always cut the mustard when it comes to removing toughened grime that’s slowly taking over your home. And a scourer is often too harsh a tool to use, and it will ruin your precious surfaces. So, what product gives you the best of both worlds, but doesn’t cost a fortune?

Best Magic Erasers (UK) Read More »

white goods

What Are “White Goods” in the UK? – Definition and Complete List

If you’ve recently bought your first house, you might’ve been told by your relatives to go and start getting “white goods” in.  But what are these so-called “white goods”?  Are people really telling you to go out and buy all white furniture, lamps and rugs? That all sounds very clinical, doesn’t it!   So, let me

What Are “White Goods” in the UK? – Definition and Complete List Read More »