Quartz worktops are aesthetically pleasing, durable and easy to maintain, hence why they’re a popular choice with homeowners up and down the country!
But can you use bleach on quartz?
Bleach is an abrasive cleaner that’s widely used around a home to treat stains and clean surfaces, so naturally, you’d expect to be able to use it on quartz too, but this isn’t the case – quartz and bleach don’t mix very well together.
If you were to wash a quartz surface with bleach, you might notice patches of discolouration on the worktop (particularly if your quartz is colourful) or actual physical damage!
These effects, of course, get worse the longer bleach is left on the surface and if you use raw bleach on the quartz worktop (not diluted in water beforehand)!
There are, of course, some people that’ll argue differently. And they will claim that if you dilute a small measure of bleach in several litres of water, you can clean a quartz surface with the bleachy liquid.
But I’d err on the side of caution and stick to less abrasive, chemical-laden products, especially considering quartz is quite pricey!
On that note, let’s take a look at what else you shouldn’t use on a quartz surface.
What Not to Use on Quartz Countertops
To keep your sleek and stylish quartz worktop looking brand new, you should avoid putting or using the following items on it:
- As noted above, bleach will discolour and damage a quartz surface, so steer clear of it.
- Ammonia is a strong alkaline with corrosive properties – so keep it away from quartz.
- Drain cleaners.
- Oven cleaners.
- Abrasive cleaners that contain bleach or ammonia.
- Turpentine.
- Acetone.
- Products that are very acidic or have a high alkaline reading.
- Abrasive cleaning tools – including scouring pads, wire wool balls, and hard-bristled brushes should not be used because they will scratch the quartz surface.
If you do use one of the above, either by accident or on purpose, you must clean the product off the surface immediately!
To do this, you can wipe the surface with a soft, damp cloth. You’ll need to continuously rinse the cloth out and rub the surface clean throughout this entire process, so you remove all of the ‘chemical-ridden item’ from the quartz surface.
Once you’ve done this, you can clean the quartz worktop properly with some warm soapy water!
If you’ve coated the quartz surface in one of the above products, you must not clean the surface with another harsh chemical, as this will cause a chemical reaction.
This would be bad for you and your quartz surface. So, stick to using plain water first and foremost!
To safely and effectively clean a quartz worktop, stick to using the cleaning agents and soft tools mentioned below.
What Is the Best Cleaner for Quartz Countertops?
Quartz may be non-porous and have a high stain resistance, but it isn’t completely stain-resistant, so it still needs to be cleaned and maintained frequently!
The best way to keep your quartz surfaces clean is to use non-abrasive cleaners like the ones listed below:
Washing up liquid and warm water
The simplest way to clean quartz worktops is to wipe them down with a soft cloth that’s been soaked in warm water and washing up liquid.
You don’t need to use anything harsher than this, and if you wipe the surfaces every day, very little dirt will build up on them, and they’ll be super easy to clean.
Make sure your cloth isn’t soaking wet, and remember to dry the quartz worktop with a second dry cloth to buff it!
Vinegar and water
If you’ve got some messy stains to deal with, you can mix one part white vinegar and three parts water in a spray bottle and use this mixture to clean the surface.
Avoid leaving the vinegar on the surface for too long, as its acidic nature may start to affect the quartz worktop.
When you’re done, wipe the entire surface with a fresh, damp cloth to remove any residue! And as above, buff the worktop dry with a soft cloth.
Rubbing alcohol
If you’ve got a difficult stain on your quartz countertop, try to blot the surface with some rubbing alcohol.
The alcohol will get to work in minutes, and the stain should lift away from the surface with ease.
Remember to continuously blot the stained patch with a fresh piece of soft cloth each time. And when you’re done, soak a cloth in some warm soapy water and run the damp cloth over the worktop to remove any rubbing alcohol residue.
You can then dry the surface!
Soft cleaning tools
Every tool you use to clean a quartz surface must be soft. Harsh tools will damage the surface and will leave unsightly marks on the quartz worktop, all of which can be difficult to put right.
So, stick to using microfibre cloths and soft cloths.
Plastic spatula
If you’re having trouble removing a sticky patch of dirt, use a plastic tool to scrape the grime off the quartz surface, but be extra careful when you do this!
If you still can’t remove the gunk, try softening it by placing a warm cloth over it, and then repeat the scraping action discussed above.
Removing toughened dirt might not be the easiest of tasks to carry out, so be patient! Rushing may result in you causing needless damage to the quartz worktop, which could be costly to put right.
Specialised quartz cleaner products
If you’re unsure about using the tools and items listed above, you can, of course, buy an off-the-shelf cleaner that’s designed to wash and maintain a quartz surface.
You may be able to pick up this cleaner in the shop where you bought your quartz countertop, but failing that, you can purchase cleaners online. Just be sure to choose a product that doesn’t contain bleach.
Tip: Remember to wipe your quartz surfaces after they’ve been cleaned with a dry, soft cloth so that they end up really shiny. And always test your chosen cleaner out on a discreet patch of the surface first!
Read our guide on how to clean quartz worktops for some tips and instructions.
Professional help
In addition to the above, you could ask a professional to come in and help maintain or treat your quartz worktop.
You’ll need to find a specialist in your area and get multiple quotes for the work before you go ahead with this option!
Prevention Is Key
When it comes to quartz, it is imperative that you try and stop it from getting too dirty and stained in the first place.
Here are some ‘good practices’ you can action right now so you can keep your quartz in tip-top form
- Clean your worktop every day – that’ll stop the build-up of grime and dust.
- Keep your worktop clear and clutter-free – this can limit potential damage to the surface.
- Place trivets like this product from simplywire on your quartz surface, so you don’t put hot pans/dishes directly onto the surface – that’ll prevent potential burn marks!
- Use chopping boards when cutting up food.
- Mop-up spills as soon as they appear, so they don’t have time to solidify and stain the quartz surface.
- Put paper towels under chopping boards to catch/absorb liquids if you’re chopping acidic foods on a quartz worktop.

Bethan has a passion for exploring, reading, cooking and gardening! When she’s not creating culinary delights for her family, she’s concocting potions to keep her house clean!