Clothes are a big investment, and most people want to make sure they last as long as possible. So the question of whether or not spin drying damages clothes is an important one.
Spin drying is a process where wet clothes are placed in a drum that spins them around at high speeds. This removes most of the water from the clothes, making them much easier to dry using traditional methods like air-drying or using a clothes dryer.
Most washing machines will end their regular programs with a spin cycle to remove any excess water but many also give you the option of a spin cycle without washing the clothes. There are also spin drying machines that are ideal for those who live in more cramped spaces.
While spin drying can be a great time-saver, there is some concern that it could damage clothes.
Can Spin Drying Damage Clothes?
There are a few ways spin drying can damage clothes:
- Stretching – Spin drying can damage clothes by causing them to stretch out. This is because the high speeds at which the drum spins can cause centrifugal force, which can stretch out fabrics.
- Tangling – If clothing is not evenly distributed in the drum, it can become tangled as well. However, these effects are typically only seen with cheaper, lower quality clothing. If you have higher quality clothes, they are less likely to be damaged by spin drying.
- Fabrics caught in holes in the drum – Fabrics can be caught in the many holes within the drum.
- Buttons and zips banging into sides of the drum – Damage can occur when buttons and zips bang into the side of the drum.
- Bobbling on the surface of clothes – The constant contact between clothes can damage fibres and lead to bobbling on the surface.
How Much Does Spin Drying Damage Clothes?
Not much. If you wash your clothes on the correct setting then you’re unlikely to see any problems. The fact is that washing your clothes in a machine will wear them out over time but this is usually a gradual process.
The spin cycle is a part of this but the damage from one wash is going to be minimal and it’s possible that they won’t be damaged at all.
While all of the damage in the above section can happen, it’s extremely rare that you’ll see any significant damage from one spin cycle if you’ve used the right settings.
For everyday clothes, spin drying is a great way to reduce drying time and the minimal chance of noticeable damage is a sensible risk.
For clothing that is particularly delicate or sentimental, you should probably use the lowest spin speeds possible or hand wash your clothes.
How to Avoid Damaging Your Clothes
There are a few ways you can avoid any damage to your clothes when using a spin dryer.
First, always follow the care instructions on the clothing label and make sure that your clothing is evenly distributed in the drum. This will help prevent them from becoming tangled or stretched out.
Additionally, try to remove as much water from your clothes before putting them in the spin dryer. This will help reduce the amount of time they need to spend in the machine and minimize any potential for damage.
If you’re worried about your clothing caching in the small drum holes, then you can put your more delicate items in a laundry bag which will better protect them.
It’s also important to note that some materials are more prone to be damaged from spin drying than others.
Wool, for example, needs to be spun at a low speed compared to the likes of cotton which can cope at maximum speeds.
Should You Spin Dry Clothes?
While there is some concern about whether or not spin drying damages clothes, there are also many benefits to using this method of drying.
Spin drying is typically much faster than traditional air-drying methods like line-drying or using a clothes dryer indoors.
Additionally, it can be more energy-efficient since you are not using heat to dry your clothes. Most tumble dryers will recommend that clothes are spin dried before you put them into their drum.
If you are concerned about damaging your clothes, spin drying may still be a good option for you. Just be sure to follow the tips above to avoid any potential problems.

I’m a mother of three who loves going on fun adventures with my family. With three little ones, I’ve learned the hard way how to keep a busy home clean! I want to share my tips and tricks to make your life as easy as possible.