Washing Machines

Pouring fabric softener

When Does Fabric Softener Get Released in the Wash Cycle?

Most washing machines follow a similar pattern when it comes to releasing washing products at the correct time. Unsurprisingly, laundry detergent is released during the main wash cycle, but what about fabric softener? In this article, we’ll answer the question, when does fabric softener get released in the wash cycle.   When Does Fabric Softener

When Does Fabric Softener Get Released in the Wash Cycle? Read More »

washing machine drum with water

Why Does the Washing Machine Keep Filling with Water When It’s Turned Off?

If your washing machine is filling with water when it’s turned off, there could be several potential reasons for this issue. Here are five common causes:   Reason 1: Faulty Water Inlet Valve The first and most common reason why your washing machine is filling with water is due to issues with the water inlet

Why Does the Washing Machine Keep Filling with Water When It’s Turned Off? Read More »