chewing gum on clothes

How to Get Chewing Gum Out of Clothes (12 Methods)

There’s nothing more annoying than getting up off your seat only to realise that you’ve sat in chewing gum. And you can almost guarantee that it’s someone else’s gum too. Yucky!

It’s not exactly the look you were hoping for and it’s also disgusting. So, the faster you get rid of the gummy mess, the better it’ll be.

But how do you remove chewing gum from clothes? Read on to find out how to get gum out of laundry.


Tips Before You Begin

  • Don’t rush any of the processes below because you could tear or snag the material you’re working with. For example, you could easily pull a thread on a knitted jumper, if you weren’t careful.
  • Test any products you intend on using on a discreet patch of clothing first. Some products may discolour your item of clothing.
  • Only tumble dry your item of clothing when you know for definite that all the gum has gone.
  • If you notice any gum stains on your clothes you can pre-treat the item before washing it. Either pre-treat the stain by rubbing detergent into the mark, or use an off-the-shelf stain remover.


1. Ice Cubes

ice cubes

Here’s how to get chewing gum out of clothes using ice cubes:

  1. Grab a few ice cubes.
  2. Hold one ice cube on top of the chewing gum.
  3. Hold another ice cube on the reverse side of the chewing gum stain.
  4. Freeze the chewing gum until it goes hard.
  5. Using a teaspoon, blunt knife or credit card, start to scrape the chewing gum off the material.
  6. Repeat this process until the gum has been removed.
  7. Launder the item of clothing as usual when you’re done.


2. Freezer

freeze clothes with chewing gum

You can also remove chewing gum from your clothes using a freezer by following this method:

  1. Put your item of clothing in a freezer bag.
  2. Make sure the chewing gum can be seen through the bag and that it doesn’t touch the rest of the material.
  3. Pop the bag inside the freezer.
  4. Leave the item of clothing to freeze in the freezer for two to three hours.
  5. When you remove the item of clothing from the freezer, the chewing gum should be solid.
  6. Start to remove the gum by scraping it away with a teaspoon, blunt knife or credit card.
  7. If you’re struggling to pick up tiny pieces of gum, use tweezers.
  8. Repeat the steps above if the chewing gum starts to melt as you’re removing it from the item of clothing.
  9. Launder the item of clothing as usual when you’re done.


3. Hairdryer

hairdryer to remove chewing gum

A hairdryer can be used to melt chewing gum, making it easier to get off your clothes. Just follow the steps below:

  1. Pop some heat safe gloves on.
  2. Lay your item of clothing flat on a surface.
  3. Fire up your hairdryer and hold it over the chewing gum.
  4. Don’t hold the hairdryer too close to the material as you risk scorching it. Move the dryer away from the material every few seconds to protect it.
  5. Once the chewing gum has been heated up enough it will start to melt. You can then start to peel the gum from the item of clothing at this point.
  6. Repeat the steps above, if necessary.
  7. Launder the item of clothing as usual when you’re done.


4. Peanut butter

peanut butter to remove chewing gum on clothes

You probably wouldn’t guess peanut butter could be used to remove chewing gum, but it can! Just follow these steps:

  1. Grab a jar of smooth peanut butter.
  2. Slather plenty of peanut butter over the chewing gum – make sure it’s completely covered.
  3. The oils in the peanut butter will get to work breaking down the glueyness of the chewing gum.
  4. Wait a minute or two.
  5. Start to scrape the chewing gum and peanut butter off your item of clothing – use a teaspoon, blunt knife or credit card to do this.
  6. Continue to do this until the chewing gum has been removed.
  7. Treat any peanut butter stain on your item with a stain remover.
  8. Launder the item of clothing as usual when you’re done.


5. Steam

kettle and steam cleaner

You can use a kettle or steam cleaner to loosen chewing gum, making it easier to peel off. Here’s how:

  1. Put some protective gloves on.
  2. Boil your kettle.
  3. Hold your item of clothing near, but not directly over(!) the spout on your kettle (where the steam comes out of).
  4. The intense steam will help to melt the chewing gum, so it can be peeled off.
  5. You may need to repeat the steps above a few times.
  6. Launder the item of clothing as usual when you’re done.


6. Iron

iron to remove chewing gum

Anything hot will help to melt chewing gum, making it easier to remove. An iron is a good way to do this. Follow the steps below:

  1. Lay a piece of cardboard on a flat surface/ironing board.
  2. Fire up your iron and choose a medium temperature.
  3. Lay your item of clothing flat out on the cardboard with the chewing gum facing the cardboard.
  4. Start to iron the back of your item of clothing.
  5. The heat from the iron should be warm enough to melt the gum.
  6. Continue to iron the back side of the chewing gum until it starts to bind with the cardboard.
  7. Carefully and very gently, start to pull your item of clothing away from the cardboard – you should notice the gum peeling away from the material and sticking to the cardboard instead.
  8. Repeat the steps above, if need be. But use a new patch of cardboard, otherwise you’ll stick the gum back onto your item of clothing.
  9. If you have a tiny bit of chewing gum left on your item by the end of this method, you can use the ice method listed above to remove the last remnants of gum from your garment.
  10. Launder the item of clothing as usual when you’re done.


7. Toothpaste


Here’s another unusual method! To get chewing gum out of clothes using toothpaste, just follow the steps below:

  1. Cover the entire chewing gum patch with toothpaste.
  2. Wait for the toothpaste to set.
  3. The chewing gum should start to break down.
  4. Scrape the chewing gum up with a credit card, blunt knife or teaspoon.
  5. Tweezer any little chunks of chewing gum off your item of clothing.
  6. Rinse the chewing gum patch under cold water.
  7. Check for any stains and pre-treat them before laundering your item of clothing as normal – either use normal detergent or an official stain remover.
  8. Launder the item of clothing as usual when you’re done.


8. Vinegar


White vinegar is one of the most versatile tools to have in your cleaning and laundry cupboard. Here’s how to use it to get chewing gum out of clothes:

  1. Pour a small amount (less than a cupful will do) of distilled white vinegar into a microwave safe box.
  2. Heat the vinegar up.
  3. Dip a soft, old toothbrush into the hot vinegar.
  4. Gently start rubbing the chewing gum with the vinegar.
  5. Continue to do this for some time.
  6. The acidic nature of the vinegar will help to loosen the chewing gum’s hold on your item of clothing.
  7. If you see clumps of gum on the toothbrush, use a toothpick to remove it before you continue to brush your item of clothing.
  8. You can also use a credit card or teaspoon to scrape up any large clumps of chewing gum.
  9. If you’re having trouble lifting off the last few pieces of chewing gum from your item of clothing, use the ice method above to remove the last bits of gum.
  10. Launder the item of clothing as usual when you’re done.


9. Rubbing alcohol

rubbing alcohol

If you have some rubbing alcohol, you can use it for removing chewing gum by following these steps:

  1. Pour some rubbing alcohol onto a clean cloth.
  2. Start blotting the chewing gum with the cloth.
  3. Wait a few minutes – the rubbing alcohol will start to dry out.
  4. Start scraping the chewing gum off your item of clothing by using a credit card or teaspoon.
  5. Repeat the steps above until the chewing gum has been completely removed.
  6. Launder the item of clothing as usual when you’re done.


10. Liquid Laundry Detergent

laundry detergent to remove gum in clothes

Here’s how to get chewing gum out of clothes using liquid laundry detergent:

  1. Rub a generous amount of liquid laundry detergent into the chewing gum with your fingers.
  2. Wait a few minutes.
  3. Start rubbing the chewing gum with a soft toothbrush to dislodge the gum from the material.
  4. Repeat these steps until you’ve lifted the chewing gum off the material.
  5. Launder the item of clothing as usual when you’re done.


11. Boiling Water

boiling water

Even if you don’t have any of the other things on this list, you probably have access to boiling water! Here’s how to use it to loosen chewing gum:

  1. Bring a pan of water to the boil.
  2. Pop some protective gloves on.
  3. Hold the item of clothing under the boiling water – make sure the chewing gum section is submerged.
  4. Wait for the chewing gum to start melting.
  5. Peel or scrape the chewing gum off the item by using a teaspoon or credit card.
  6. Repeat the steps above until the chewing gum has been removed.
  7. Launder the item of clothing as usual when you’re done.


12. Chewing Gum Removal Products

Chewing Gum Removal Products

Below you’ll find a selection of different products that can be used to remove chewing gum:

  • Goo Gone can break down all kinds of adhesive messes, including chewing gum. It’s one of the most popular products used when it comes to removing gum from clothes, and it’s reasonably priced.
  • WD40 is a staple spray in most homes because it has many uses. It just so happens that it can remove chewing gum from clothes too. To use this product, just spray the chewing gum, then scrape the gum away with a teaspoon or blunt knife!

Note: Always test the products listed above before you use them officially. And make sure you launder your item of clothing properly when you’re done.


Will Gum Come Out in the Wash?

gum-stained jeans in washing machine

You should never throw a gum-stained item of clothing into a washing machine without treating it first.

If you throw a garment that’s covered in chewing gum into a washing machine the gum will melt, will go all gloopy and sticky, and will start sticking to the drum and other items in the appliance. It can be a nightmare trying to remove all of the chewing gum from your machine.

You should always remove chewing gum from an item of clothing and then wash it.

Things you can use to get chewing gum out of clothes