One of the simplest but most satisfying feelings in life is getting into bed with a fresh set of sheets. This feeling is taken to another level when those sheets are ironed with scented water (aka linen water)! Even better, it is super easy to make your own scented concoction – here is how!
You Will Need:
- Vodka
- Distilled water
- Fragrant essential oil (fragrance of your choice – popular ones are vanilla, lavender, citrus)
- Empty spray bottle
Step One
Grab your empty spray bottle and start by putting 10 drops of your choice of fragrant essential oil.
Step Two
Add ¼ of a cup of vodka to the bottle and give it a light shake. Leave the bottle of essential oil and vodka at room temperature for around 24 hours before moving onto step three.
Step Three
Now it’s time to add 1 pint of distilled water to the spray bottle. Lightly swish the bottle to mix the ingredients together.
Step Four
Store your scented water in the fridge. The scent will start to fade after 6 weeks so it may be worth making a fresh bottle after that point.
When to Use Your DIY Scented Ironing Water!
- When ironing clothes and bedding (lightly spray your ironing water onto your clothing before them)
- Spray on pillow cases to help you to fall asleep (lavender is a good one for this!)
- Spray on curtains, carpets, sofas and upholstery to freshen them up
- Spray onto clothes hanging in your wardrobe that you’ve not worn in a while
- Spray onto upholstery in your car to keep it clean and fresh
There you have it! Scented water is not only a game changer when it comes to your laundry! Use these quick and easy steps to add a finishing touch to lots of different household jobs!

Hi, I’m Bron. I’m an elite endurance athlete, love the outdoors and anything involving food! All of which have the potential to make a mess! I don’t have a huge concentration span (and like to use the excuse of being too busy), so go for quick and easy cleaning methods where possible!