A washing machine that makes a racket when it’s on a spin cycle is horrendous! It doesn’t make you want to wash your clothes, and the noise is so loud and embarrassing when you’ve got guests around.
But, did you know there’s probably a good reason why your faithful cleaning appliance is making such a loud noise? There are many reasons actually and I’ll cover them below.
Plus, I’ll provide you with some solutions you can try, so you can eradicate the uproar.
Things to Think About…
Here are a couple of things to think about before you check out the causes and solutions for your washing machine’s loud noise:
- When working with a washing machine, even if you’re just inspecting it, cut its power supply. This way the machine cannot spontaneously switch itself on and start spinning!
- If you’re not actually sure what you’re trying to do when attempting to fix your washing machine, leave it to the professionals. If you start pottering around inside the machine you could cause more damage, which could result in more cost and you might even lose your warranty in the process too.
- Leave the heavy work until someone is about to help you. Washing machines are heavy, so don’t go lifting it by yourself or you could seriously hurt your back.
- If you don’t know where a particular wire or pipe goes, don’t just stuff it back into the washing machine. You could electrocute yourself. So, read your manual and do the job properly.
- Every washing machine model is different, so be sure to check your user manual before you start trying to fix any issue. If you’ve thrown out your manual just go to the washing machine manufacturer’s website and get a copy (they’re usually free too).
- Should you start to smell some sort of burning smell coming from your washing machine you should disconnect it from the power, and call for professional help immediately.
There are a number of reasons why your washing machine is making a loud noise when it is completing a spin cycle. Here’s a list of causes to consider.
Cause 1: Drum Bearings
Bearings are responsible for making the drum in a washing machine move as it should. Every washing machine comes with them and they’re an essential part!
A washing machine’s bearing is typically round in shape and there are several mini balls inside this one larger piece. The bearings usually move when a spin cycle starts.
Occasionally bearings break, and the mini balls inside fall out, and this creates a very loud noise.
On the flip side, if you’ve got a loud squeaking noise coming from your washing machine, your bearings might just need to be lubricated.
Solution: Replace drum bearings
If you think your noise is bearing related, follow the steps below to check if you’re right.
- Switch your washing machine off and unplug it from its power source.
- Open the door on the washing machine.
- Spin the drum inside the washing machine with your hand.
- You should either get a loud noise coming from the machine or you’ll find that the drum is not moving around as it should.
- If you experience either of the outcomes listed in step 4 you will need to replace the bearings.
Generally, if you have a bearing related issue you need to get it sorted out as soon as possible. You shouldn’t continue washing with your machine because this might damage it further, meaning more cost in the long term. Replacing the bearings could cost over £100 though, so in some cases it might be better to replace the machine entirely.
Cause 2: Shock Absorber
The shock absorber in a washing machine is what keeps the washing tub in place when it’s spinning around. It kind of looks like a spanner, of sorts!
Sometimes the shock absorber detaches itself and you get a very loud noise coming from the washing machine.
Solution: Repair the shock absorber
If you think that the shock absorber is causing you problems you need to locate it in your washing machine and repair it.
You need to read your user manual to find out where the shock absorber is and you can buy a new part to replace the old one.
It might be worth getting help with this if you’re not keen on sorting this out by yourself.
Cause 3: Items in the Washing Load
Perhaps you have only heard a loud noise coming from your washing machine one time when it was on a spin cycle.
If the noise isn’t persistent, you might have just put an item of clothing in the wash that banged around inside. Sometimes coats, metal pieces on clothing and shoes can make very loud noises when they’re being spun about in the wash.
If this is the case, try and think of a different way of washing these items.
Cause 4: Failing Belt
When the belt inside a washing machine breaks it can make a squealing noise when a spin cycle is taking place.
Ideally, you need to act fast and replace the belt before your washing machine suffers more serious damage!
Solution: Replace the failing belt
If the belt is playing havoc in your washing machine the simplest thing to do is to replace it, before it actually breaks completely.
Belts can be bought online and you can fit them yourself at home.
Cause 5: Trapped or Loose Coins
A spin cycle’s purpose is to extract moisture from clothes that have just been washed in the washing machine. To do this the washing machine agitates the clothes inside by spinning them very quickly around in the machine.
While this spinning is taking place anything that’s in the pockets of your clothes gets thrown out. Your loud noise could be the result of loose change being spun extremely quickly around your washing machine as a spin cycle takes place.
It’s very easy to forget to pull out some coins from a pair of trousers, we’ve all done it!
On the other hand, your washing machine could be pocketing your loose change and keeping it under its seals!
Solution: Remove trapped or loose coins
If you think that there are coins trapped under the seals in your washing machine, check under the seals. If there are coins there, you may have just saved yourself a lot of time and money, and solved your problem.
It might also be worth checking your pockets in the future for change, and removing the coppers before you put your clothes in the washing machine.
Cause 6: Motor Coupling
Some washing machines come with motor couplings which are designed to connect the motor drive to the transmission.
Over time and with a lot of use this part of the washing machine starts to get worn down. This typically leads to a loud noise coming from the washing machine.
Solution: Fix motor coupling
If you think that your loud noise is the result of the motor coupling you need to get this issue fixed.
You can do this yourself by removing the top of the washing machine and replacing the parts, or you can call up the manufacturer for help.
Cause 7: Unbalanced Loads
Although you might think that it’s a good idea to wash one large item of clothing on its own in the washing machine, it isn’t always such a good plan.
Often you find that this one item of clothing gets completely saturated in water, and it doesn’t spin around the washing machine as it should. In the end the drum becomes a tad unbalanced and the machine lets out an almighty sound.
Solution: Make sure loads are balanced
If you think that an unbalanced load is the cause of your loud noise, you need to make sure that you put balanced loads into your washing machine in the future.
Balanced loads ensure that spin cycles work as they should and that clothes get rid of their moisture, as planned.
Cause 8: Damaged Agitator Dogs
Agitator dogs are typically made from plastic, so with every wash cycle that they go through they get worn down. Their purpose is to aid the agitation process, so without them a spin cycle wouldn’t work as effectively, and you’d start to get a noise coming from the machine.
Solution: Replace damaged agitator dogs
If your agitator dogs are not working effectively this will impact your spin cycle, so getting them replaced is essential. You’ll find them located in the agitator. Not sure where this is? Have a look in your user manual.
You can try and do this yourself or you could call out a professional.
Cause 9: Loose Machine Weights
On very rare occasions, the weights holding down the washing machine can become loose. This then leads to the washing machine making an awfully loud noise.
There are usually two weights inside a washing machine, one at the top and one at the bottom. The purpose of these weights is to make sure the machine doesn’t move when it is going through its wash cycles.
Solution: Tighten machine weights
Check your user manual for tips on this, but generally speaking, you need to locate the weights and tighten them if they feel loose.
Other Things to Try
Call the manufacturer
If you have looked into the causes and solutions listed above and you’ve not resolved the issue, it might be time to give the washing machine’s manufacturer a call.
Most brands have a customer service helpline that you can call up throughout the week, or you can live chat with many of them too.
Check the warranty
It’s also worth pointing out that you should check where you stand with your warranty. The issue you have might be covered by it, but you would need to check this out and do your own research into the matter.
Get professional help from an appliance specialist
If you have a washing machine that’s a little bit older, and is not covered by a warranty, you should think about getting an appliance specialist to come out and have a look at it.
There are many companies who specialise in this type of work, and they can usually source parts for older appliances too, if need be.
Always do your homework and ask plenty of questions before you go along with this option.
A washing machine that starts to make a very loud noise when it’s going through a spin cycle is not very pleasant. In fact, it can put you off washing your clothes.
But at least now you’ve got a good idea about what could be causing this problem, and how to solve it!

Bethan has a passion for exploring, reading, cooking and gardening! When she’s not creating culinary delights for her family, she’s concocting potions to keep her house clean!