Anyone who spends a lot of their time cooking in the kitchen will more than likely know that getting oil on your clothes is a bit of a pain. Even just a small splatter in an inconspicuous spot can be enough to make your new top look worn and grubby.
Unless properly treated, cooking oil spots can remain on your clothing for years.
But don’t worry! There are several simple ways to remove stubborn olive oil stains, likely with items you have around the house. So have a dig in your kitchen cupboards and gather together the following items:
- Washing-up liquid
- Bicarbonate of Soda (baking soda)
- Hydrogen peroxide (For stubborn stains)
Now let’s get to work removing olive oil from your clothes.
Treat Oil Stains Quickly
The first rule of thumb is not to get your soiled clothing wet. Though it might seem natural to use water to treat a stain, in this case, it will do you little good – after all, oil and water don’t mix.
For small and fresh stains, you might be able to eliminate the problem by simply coating the soiled area with dish soap. Rub or gently brush the stain with an old toothbrush and allow the clothing to sit for about five minutes to allow for the fats in the oil to be broken down.
Then you can pop your clothing into the washing machine or simply rinse it with cold water. Do not put oil-stained clothing in the dryer until you are sure the stain is completely gone. The high heat of the dryer can make the stain more difficult to eliminate. Instead, air dry your item and inspect it once it’s fully dry. If the olive oil remains visible you may need to try a different cleaning method.
Large or Stubborn Oil Stains
For slightly more stubborn stains, break out the bicarb – one of our favourite natural cleaners, check out our tips on using bicarbonate of soda for removing stains.
If the spill is fresh, blot it with a paper towel or cloth to remove any excess oil. You can place a paper towel behind the stain too to soak out the oil from both sides of the fabric as you blot.
Next, coat the area in a generous layer of bicarbonate of soda. Let the bicarbonate of soda sit for at least 10 minutes before removing it from the fabric.
As described above, cover the stained area in washing up liquid, gently brush with an old (but clean) toothbrush, and allow it to work for five minutes or more.
Another great method is to combine bicarbonate of soda with a small amount of dish soap to form a paste and gently brush this into the stain. After letting it sit for a while, you can rinse or wash your garment and see if the stain has entirely gone.
If that pesky oil is still clinging to your clothes, don’t feel defeated! You’ll just have to try some tougher stuff.
Deep Set Oil Stain Removal
By now, you might be ready to swear off cooking for a while or at least to invest in a nice apron (which is a bit less dramatic than never cooking again). No need to feel frustrated; there is still hope. This is where the hydrogen peroxide comes in to do its stuff.
Douse the soiled area in hydrogen peroxide and then sprinkle a thick layer of bicarbonate of soda over the top. Add a small amount of washing up liquid and rub gently into the stain with your trusty old toothbrush. After giving it a good rub, allow the clothing to sit for about an hour before rinsing off the cleaning mixture. Then it’s time to pop it in the washing machine to give that stain the final boot.
At this point, after trying all of the above methods, your once stained clothes should be completely clean and you can get back to cooking – but get your apron on first!
We like this classy black pinstripe apron with handy pockets, but you can go as extra as you fancy – now who wants to kiss the cook?!

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